Springtime is almost in full swing in the Midwest, and you couldn’t be more miserable.
Although an end to the snow, slush, and cold winds is in sight, and the world outside is already coming back to life, you must shed your scarves and actually smile for a change. Quite the scary thought when your smile is a source of embarrassment and shame.
Just face it: Smiling isn’t your strong suit, and why should it be? For longer than it has been a frozen wasteland out there, you’ve been harboring a chill in your smile, haven’t you? The thought of warmer weathers and of shedding all of those layers is giving you no small amount of anxiety, because when it’s warmer outside, it’s much easier to let yourself smile. And whenever you smile, you are putting all of those flaws on display. It’s must easier to stick to the cold when you have nothing to smile about.
And it’s getting pretty tiring having to cover your mouth with your hand every time you laugh, or yawn, or simply enjoy the company of your friends and family. That constant vigilance over something as simple as smiling has exhausted worse than freezing temperatures.
Yes, your smile has certainly been left out in the cold for too long, and it’s only to become worse the longer you continue to neglect it. Who knows? Before the Winter greets you once again, you could very well be dealing with a costly and painful dental emergency. And by that point, you might run the risk of losing your smile altogether.
If there’s something worse than that, then I don’t want to know what it is.
Yet you can embrace the coming Spring with the vigor and beauty you’ve been lacking when it comes to your smile by making an appointment to get a smile makeover. Otherwise, your frozen smile could shatter one day when you least expect it.
Designing Your Brand New Smile From Scratch
Well, not exactly from scratch … unless you’ve lost all of your teeth, a smile makeover is about working with what you’ve got in order to improve it beyond even your wildest hopes and dreams. (Make no mistake: If you’re missing all of your teeth and haven’t done anything about it, or are unhappy with your slippery dentures, then a smile makeover is just what you need!)
The wonderful thing about a smile makeover is that it is specifically tailored to you and no one else. I don’t keep a rulebook outlining each and every step, because there is no rulebook, just a smile in need of some serious TLC.
The process begins when you make your appointment with my office. You’ll come in and get settled in my waiting area, which has more in common with a luxury hotel than the clinical, impersonal, and rather cold offices of dentists in your past.
When you sit down in the chair, the first thing we’ll do is talk. That’s right: Talk. A smile makeover is a collaboration between a dentist and a patient like you, and from that conversation we will discuss what you don’t like about your smile, and what kind of smile you’d like to have.
After an examination of your teeth and gums, I will then design a series of procedures that will meet the “smile goals” which we have discussed together. If you have gaps in your teeth, you might need a bonded tooth. Dingy smile? A whitening will be in order? Missing teeth? Crown, bridges, or even implant-retained dentures could be just what the doctor ordered. Whatever your smile needs is what will determine your smile makeover.
Feel free to ask me any questions that you might have about any of the cosmetic dentistry procedures I recommend, because the more you know about them the more comfortable and confident you will be during the process.
By the time next Spring greets us, you can be smiling with renewed confidence of the kind that a smile makeover can give you!
Smile Makeovers Don’t Just “Happen”
You have to reach out and take it for yourself, or else you could be dealing with the same oral health problems that have bothered you all this time. I want to help you, but you have to take action before that even becomes a possibility.
To take that first step toward a better smile, please call me at 248-972-8720, or click here to request an appointment through this website.